
中国软件大会第一届软件缺陷自动修复挑战赛已经启动啦!!具体比赛要求 https://chinasoft.ccf.org.cn/Challenge/

Table of Contents

General Introduction

This is a bug repository that keeps growing, called growingBugs

Notably, each bug in growingBugs is composed of a buggy version, a fixed version, a concise patch (bug-fixing changes only), and one or more triggering test cases.

Contents of growingBugs

To date, growingBugs contains 1911 real-world bugs from open-source Java projects.

Project ID Project name SubProject locator Number of bugs Bug IDs
1 AaltoXml aalto-xml 8 1-5,7-9
2 Bcel commons-bcel 6 1-6
3 Ber_tlv ber-tlv 4 1-4
4 Burst burst burst 3 1-3
5 Canvas_api canvas-api 4 1-4
6 Chart jfreechart 26 1-26
7 Cli commons-cli 41 1-5,7-42
8 Closure closure-compiler 174 1-62,64-92,94-176
9 Codec commons-codec 19 1-19
10 Collections commons-collections 8 25-31,35
11 Commons_suncalc commons-suncalc 2 1-2
12 Compress commons-compress 51 1-48,50,52-53
13 Coveralls_maven
8 1-8
14 Csv commons-csv 17 1-17
15 Dbutils commons-dbutils 2 1-2
16 Deltaspike_api deltaspike-core-api deltaspike
6 1-6
17 Disklrucache DiskLruCache 6 1-6
18 Docker_java_api docker-java-api 10 1-10
19 Drools_model
drools-model-compiler drools-model/
1 1
20 Email commons-email 3 3-5
21 Functor commons-functor 2 1-2
22 Geo geo geo 3 1-3
23 Geometry_core geometry-core commons-geometry-core 2 1,3
24 Github_release
github-release-plugin 2 1-2
25 Graph commons-graph 5 1-5
26 Gson gson gson 25 1-25
27 Hivemall_core core core 3 1-3
28 IO commons-io 22 1-3,5-6,8-18,
29 Imaging commons-imaging 10 1,3-8,10-11,14
30 Jackrabbit_
jackrabbit-filevault-vault-core vault-core 1 1
31 Jackrabbit_
jackrabbit-filevault-vault-validation vault-validation 4 1-4
32 JacksonCore jackson-core 30 1-26,28-31
33 JacksonDatabind jackson-databind 150 1-85,87-112,121-126,
34 JacksonDataformat
cbor 5 1-5
35 JacksonDataformat
protobuf 4 1-4
36 JacksonXml jackson-dataformat-xml 6 1-6
37 James_mime4j
James-mime4j-core core 9 1-9
38 Lang commons-lang 72 1,3-33,35-65,69,71,73,
39 Math commons-math 35 1-35
40 Mockito mockito 38 1-38
41 Shiro_web shiro-web web 8 1,3,7-12
42 Time joda-time 26 1-20,22-27
43 Deft deft 1 1
44 Dosgi_common dosgi-common common 2 1-2
45 Doubleclick_core openrtb-doubleclick-core doubleclick-core 1 1
46 Doxia_module_apt doxia-module-apt doxia-modules/
2 1-2
47 Drools_traits drools-traits drools-traits 1 1
48 Dropwizard_spring dropwizard-spring 1 1
49 Farm farm 4 1-4
50 Flume_ngcore flume-ng-core flume-ng-core 2 1-2
51 Fluo_api fluo-api modules/api 2 1,3
52 Hbase_common hbase-common hbase-common 1 1
53 Hierarchical_
1 1
54 Hilbert_curve hilbert-curve 3 1-3
55 Hive_funnel_udf hive-funnel-udf 1 1
56 Hono_client hono-client client 4 1-4
57 Httpcomponents
httpcore5-h2 httpcore5-h2 1 1
58 Httpcomponents
httpcore5 httpcore5 3 1-3
59 JXR maven-jxr 1 1
60 Jsoup jsoup 93 1-93
61 JxPath commons-jxpath 22 1-22
62 Math_4j commons-math4j 106 1-106
63 MShade maven-shade-plugin 6 1-4,6-7
64 Tika tika 5 1-2,5-7
65 Validator commons-validator 21 1-2,4,6-9,11,
66 Pool commons-pool 17 1,5-7,10-14,
67 Net commons-net 14 9,10,12,
68 Numbers_angle commons-numbers-angle commons-numbers
2 1-2
69 MGpg maven-gpg-plugin 1 1
70 Text commons-text 4 1-2,4-5
71 Tika_core tika-core tika-core 23 4,6,9,11,
72 Tika_app tika-app tika-app 2 1,3
73 Shiro_core shiro-core core 10 37,40,46,52,98,
74 Jena_core jena-core jena-core 1 2
75 MDeploy maven-deploy-plugin 1 1
76 Jackrabbit_filevault
vault-validation 4 1-4
77 Jackrabbit_oak_core oak-core oak-core 5 1-5
78 Maven_checkstyle
1 1
79 James_project
james-project-core core 2 1-2
80 Pdfbox_fontbox pdfbox-fontbox fontbox 7 1-7
81 HttpClient5 httpclient5 httpclient5 7 1-2,4-8
82 jackson_modules
datetime 5 1-5
83 Pdfbox_pdfbox pdfbox-pdfbox pdfbox 3 1-3
84 Storm_client storm-client storm-client 1 1
85 JacksonDataformats
yaml 6 1-2,4-7
86 JacksonDataformats
properties 2 1-2
87 JacksonDataformat
avro 2 1-2
88 JavaClassmate java-classmate 2 1-2
89 JacksonModule
1 1
90 JacksonData
jackson-datatype-joda 2 2-3
91 JacksonDatatype
jackson-datatype-jsr310 4 1-4
92 JacksonDataformat
smile 3 1-3
93 JacksonModule
jackson-module-afterburner 3 1-3
94 Woodstox woodstox 7 1-7
95 MetaModel_core MetaModel-core core 9 1-9
96 MetaModel_csv MetaModel-csv csv 1 1
97 MetaModel_excel MetaModel-excel excel 1 1
98 MetaModel_jdbc MetaModel-jdbc jdbc 3 1-3
99 MetaModel_pojo MetaModel-pojo pojo 1 1
100 MetaModel_
MetaModel-salesforce salesforce 1 1
101 Wink_common wink-common wink-common 4 1-4
102 Xbean_naming xbean-naming xbean-naming 1 1
103 James_project_
server/container/core 1 1
104 Johnzon_core johnzon-core johnzon-core 11 1-2,4-12
105 Nifi_mock nifi-mock nifi-mock 2 1-2
106 Rat_core apache-rat-core apache-rat-core 1 1
107 Rat_plugin apache-rat-plugin apache-rat-plugin 1 1
108 Tez_common tez-common tez-common 1 1
109 Tinkerpop_gremlin
gremlin-core gremlin-core 1 1
110 Webbeans_web webbeans-web webbeans-web 1 1
111 Johnzon_jsonb johnzon-jsonb johnzon-jsonb 6 1-6
112 Johnzon_jaxrs johnzon-jaxrs johnzon-jaxrs 1 1
113 Incubator_tamaya
code/api 2 1-2
114 James_project_
mailet/standard 1 1
115 Johnzon_
johnzon-jsonschema johnzon-jsonschema 2 1-2
116 Johnzon_
johnzon-mapper johnzon-mapper 6 1-6
117 Karaf_main karaf-main main 1 1
118 Appformer_uberfire
uberfire-commons-editor-backend uberfire-extensions
1 1
119 Kie_pmml_
kie-pmml-commons kie-pmml-trusty/
3 1-3
120 Kie_memory_
kie-memory-compiler kie-memory-compiler 1 1
121 Jbpm_human
jbpm-human-task-workitems jbpm-human-task/
1 1
122 Appformer_uberfire_
uberfire-security-management-client uberfire-extensions
1 1
123 Appformer_uberfire
uberfire-workbench-client uberfire-workbench/
3 1-3
124 Jandex jandex 6 1-6
125 Kogito_editors
1 1
126 Ognl commons-ognl 1 1
127 Qpid_client qpid-jms-client qpid-jms-client 8 1-8
128 Switchyard_admin switchyard-admin admin 1 1
129 Weld_se_core weld-se-core environments/se/core 1 1
130 Jboss_modules jboss-modules 5 1,3-6
131 Jboss_threads jboss-threads 1 1
132 Minaftp_api ftpserver-api ftplet-api 1 1
133 Sling_
sling-org-apache-sling-validation-core 1 1
134 Switchyard_
switchyard-config config 1 1
135 Switchyard_
switchyard-validate validate 1 1
136 Wildfly_naming
wildfly-naming-client 2 1-2
137 Knox_assertion
1 1
138 Oozie_client oozie-client client 2 1-2
139 Qpidjms_client qpidjms-client client 3 1-3
140 Rdf4j_query rdf4j-query core/query 1 1
141 Rdf4j_rio_api rdf4j-rio-api core/rio/api 2 1-2
142 Rdf4j_rio_jsonld rdf4j-rio-jsonld core/rio/jsonld 2 1-2
143 Rdf4j_rio_rdfjson rdf4j-rio-rdfjson core/rio/rdfjson 2 1-2
144 Rdf4j_rio_rdfxml rdf4j-rio-rdfxml core/rio/rdfxml 1 1
145 Rdf4j_rio_turtle rdf4j-rio-turtle core/rio/turtle 8 1-4,6,8-10
146 Sentry_ccommon sentry-core-common sentry-core/sentry-core-common 2 1-2
147 Sling_apiregions sling-apiregions 3 1-3
148 Sling_cpconverter sling-cpconverter 3 1-3
149 Tiles_api tiles-api tiles-api 2 1-2
150 Tiles_core tiles-core tiles-core 3 1-3
151 Twill_dcore twill-discovery-core twill-discovery-core 1 1
152 Maven2_artifact maven-artifact maven-artifact 2 1-2
153 Maven2_project maven-project maven-project 2 1-2
154 Wicket_request wicket-request wicket-request 6 1-6
155 Cayenne_xmpp cayenne-xmpp cayenne-xmpp 1 1
156 Wicket_util wicket-util wicket-util 4 1-4
157 Wicket_spring wicket-spring wicket-spring 1 1
158 Cayenne_jgroups cayenne-jgroups cayenne-jgroups 1 1
159 Cayenne_jms cayenne-jms cayenne-jms 1 1
160 Struts1_core struts1-core core 2 1-2
161 Wicket_cdi wicket-cdi wicket-cdi 1 1
162 Wicket_core wicket-core wicket-core 18 1-18
163 Mshared_archiver maven-archiver maven-archiver 1 1
164 Shindig_common shindig-common java/common 1 1
165 Xbean_reflect xbean-reflect xbean-reflect 1 1
166 Mrunit mrunit 2 1-2
167 Rave_core rave-core rave-components
2 1-2
168 Rave_commons rave-commons rave-components
1 1
169 Rave_web rave-web rave-components/rave-web 1 1
170 Jmh_core jmh-core jmh-core 1 1
171 Sdk_core sdk-core 3 1-3
172 Cargo_container cargo-container core/api/
4 1-4
173 Oak_commons oak-commons oak-commons 1 1
174 Streamex streamex 7 1-7
175 Javapoet javapoet 17 1-17
176 RTree rtree 12 1-12
177 Spoon spoon 17 1-17
178 Slack_java
slack-java-webhook 1 1
179 Zip4j zip4j 52 1-52
180 Incubator_
incubator-retired-pirk 1 1
181 Sparsebitset SparseBitSet 2 1-2
182 Assertj_assert
7 1-7
183 Config_magic config-magic 2 2
184 Jcodemodel jcodemodel 7 1-7
185 Jdbm3 JDBM3 6 1-6
186 Mybatis_pagehelper Mybatis-PageHelper 4 1-4
187 N5 n5 2 1-2
188 Stash_jenkins_
1 1
189 Suffixtree suffixtree 1 1
190 Template_
template-benchmark 1 1
191 Vectorz vectorz 6 1-6
192 Cli_parser cli-parser 1 1
193 Gatling_report gatling-report 3 1-3
194 Semux_core semux-core 1 3
195 Solarpositioning solarpositioning 3 1-3
196 Sparkey_java sparkey-java 3 1-3
197 Shazamcrest shazamcrest 2 1-2
198 Restfixture RestFixture 4 1-4
199 Chronicle_network Chronicle-Network 4 1-4
200 Gocd_slack_build
3 1-3
201 Confluence_http
1 1
202 Tempus_fugit tempus-fugit 1 1
203 Kafka_graphite kafka-graphite 1 1
204 Simple_excel simple-excel 1 1
205 Trident_ml trident-ml 1 1
206 Tascalate_
tascalate-concurrent 2 1-2
207 Jcabi_github jcabi-github 81 1-42,44-82
208 Podam podam 1 1
209 Sansorm SansOrm 7 1-7
210 Transmittable_
4 1-4
211 Jchronic jchronic 1 1
212 Netconf_java netconf-java 1 1
213 Xades4j xades4j 4 1-4
214 Spatial4j spatial4j 4 1-4
215 Iciql iciql 2 1-2
216 Metrics_opentsdb metrics-opentsdb 2 1-2
217 Spring_context
1 2
218 Jmimemagic jmimemagic 1 1
219 Markedj markedj 17 1-17
220 Sonartsplugin SonarTsPlugin 10 1-10
221 Aws_maven aws-maven 1 1
222 Snomed_owl
2 1-2
223 Weak_lock_free weak-lock-free 1 1
224 Proj4J proj4j 9 1-9
225 Markedj markedj 2 1-2
226 Rocketmq_mqtt_ds rocketmq-mqtt-ds mqtt-ds 1 1
227 Retrofit retrofit retrofit 3 1-3
228 Jnagmp jnagmp jnagmp 1 1
229 Rocketmq_
rocketmq-mqtt-cs mqtt-cs 1 1
230 Dagger_core dagger-core core 20 1-20
231 Google_java
core 1 1
232 Jimfs jimfs jimfs 2 1-2
233 Open_location
java 4 1-4
234 Gwtmockito gwtmockito gwtmockito 3 1-3
235 Render_app render-app render-app 5 1-5
236 Tape tape tape 13 1-13
237 Jcabi_http jcabi-http 16 1-16
238 Jcabi_aether jcabi-aether 1 1
239 Jcabi_w3c jcabi-w3c 1 1
240 Jcabi_email jcabi-email 4 1-4
241 Jcabi_log jcabi-log 9 1-9
242 Jcabi_matchers jcabi-matchers 2 1-2
243 Jfreechart_fse jfreechart-fse 2 1-2
244 Jfreesvg jfreesvg 1 1
245 Leshan_core leshan-core leshan-core 10 1-10
246 Rdf_jena commons-rdf-jena commons-rdf-jena 1 1
247 Jackson_
jackson-annotations 1 1
248 Jackson_datatype
hibernate4 1 1
249 Rtree2 rtree2 6 1-6
250 Subethasmtp subethasmtp 1 1

Setting up GrowingBugs


  • Java 1.8
  • Git >= 1.9
  • SVN >= 1.8
  • Perl >= 5.0.12
  • Curl

Steps to set up GrowingBugs

  1. Clone GrowingBugs:

    • git clone https://github.com/liuhuigmail/GrowingBugRepository.git
  2. Initialize GrowingBugs:

    Download the project repositories and external libraries that are not included in the git repository for size purposes and to avoid redundancies. We provide a mechanism to download them automatically as follows:

    • cd GrowingBugRepository
    • cpanm --installdeps .
    • ./init.sh
    • ./repos.sh
  3. Add GrowingBugs’s executables to your PATH:

    • export PATH=$PATH:"path2growingbugs"/framework/bin

Using GrowingBugs

Typical Usage

  1. Checkout a buggy source code version (If the project doesn’t hava subproject, -s parameter can be ignored):

    • defects4j checkout -p project_id -v version_id -w work_dir -s subproject_locator


    • defects4j checkout -p Shiro_core -v 37b -w /tmp/Shiro_core_37_buggy -s core
    • defects4j checkout -p Dbutils -v 1b -w /tmp/dbutils_1_buggy

    Notably, GrowingBugs supports sub-projects that are not suported by Defects4J. To this end, yor should specify the sub-project with -s parameter in the checkout command. The preceding example common leverages -s core to check out sub-proejct core from the enclosing project Shiro_core. For the compile and test commands, you should also switch to the sub-project’s folder to compile and test the sub-project.

  2. Change to the working directory, compile sources and tests, and run tests:

    • cd work_dir/subproject_locator
    • defects4j compile
    • defects4j test


    • cd /tmp/Shiro_core_37_buggy/core
    • defects4j compile
    • defects4j test


    • cd /tmp/dbutils_1_buggy
    • defects4j compile
    • defects4j test

Currently, we resuse all APIs of Defects4J (more details at https://github.com/rjust/defects4j), and thus all applications relying on Defects4J could be transferred smoothly to GrowingBugs.

Docker Image

To free users (especially beginers) of the repository from the complex configuration of the environments, we create and publish a Docker image of the system. You may download it by the following command:

  • docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/bit-zhuzhihao/growingbugrepository:0.3

By simply loading the image with Docker, you can make the system ready for evaluation where all configurations (e.g., Java versions, paths, and even all data within the repository) should have been well set.


Because the bug repository keeps growing, let us known if you need a stable version for your study (e.g., evalutions for a research paper), and we will release a specific version where the bugs and patches are fixed (to faciliate the replication of your study).


Notably, this bug repository is based on the well-known Defects4J https://github.com/rjust/defects4j. We reuse its source code as well as the bugs in Defects4J. The key difference is that growingBugs levearages BugBuilder[1] to exclude bug-irrelevarange changes from bug-fixing commmits automatically whereas Defects4J requests human experts to accomplish the same task. Consequently, growingBugs can keep growing automatically even without human intervention.


If you are exploiting our dataset, please kindly cite the following paper:

[1] Yanjie Jiang, Hui Liu*, Nan Niu, Lu Zhang, Yamin Hu. Extracting Concise Bug-Fixing Patches from Human-Written Patches in Version Control Systems. The 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pp. 686-698, May, 2021

[2]Yanjie Jiang, Hui Liu*, Xiaoqing Luo, Zhihao Zhu, Xiaye Chi, Nan Niu, Yuxia Zhang, Yamin Hu, Pan Bian, and Lu Zhang. “ BugBuilder: An Automated Approach to Building Bug Repository,” in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Online 2022, doi: 10.1109/TSE.2022.3177713

[3]Yanjie Jiang, Hui Liu*,Yuxia Zhang, Weixing Ji, Hao Zhong, and Lu Zhang. “Do Bugs Lead to Unnaturalness of Source Code?” In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1085–1096. https://doi.org/10.1145/3540250.3549149

@INPROCEEDINGS {GrowingBugsICSE21, author = {Yanjie Jiang and Hui Liu and Nan Niu and Lu Zhang and Yamin Hu}, booktitle = {IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2021)}, title = {Extracting Concise Bug-Fixing Patches from Human-Written Patches in Version Control Systems}, year = {2021}, pages = {686-698}, doi = {10.1109/ICSE43902.2021.00069}, url = {https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICSE43902.2021.00069}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, month = {may} }

@ARTICLE{GrowingBugsTSE2022, author={Jiang, Yanjie and Liu, Hui and Luo, Xiaoqing and Zhu, Zhihao and Chi, Xiaye and Niu, Nan and Zhang, Yuxia and Hu, Yamin and Bian, Pan and Zhang, Lu}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, title={BugBuilder: An Automated Approach to Building Bug Repository}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-22}, doi={10.1109/TSE.2022.3177713}}

@inproceedings{NaturalnessOfBugsFSE2022, author = {Jiang, Yanjie and Liu, Hui and Zhang, Yuxia and Ji, Weixing and Zhong, Hao and Zhang, Lu}, title = {Do Bugs Lead to Unnaturalness of Source Code?}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9781450394130}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3540250.3549149}, doi = {10.1145/3540250.3549149}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering}, pages = {1085–1096}, numpages = {12}, keywords = {Naturalness, Source Code, Bug Fixing, Bugs, Code Entropy}, location = {Singapore, Singapore}, series = {ESEC/FSE 2022} }

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