

This is a simple Debian repository for the box64 project. New versions are compiled every 24 hours if a new commit on the master repository has been made.

These debs have been compiled using various target CPUs and systems. You can see all the available pkgs below.

All packages built on Ubuntu Jammy and are compatible with gcc-11 and higher.

Repository installation

Involves adding .list file and gpg key for added security. Most users will just need the generic arm64 package, box64, but please see the package list below if you have a specifically supported system (Raspberry Pi, ROCKchip, etc…)

sudo wget https://ryanfortner.github.io/box64-debs/box64.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/box64.list
wget -qO- https://ryanfortner.github.io/box64-debs/KEY.gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/box64-debs-archive-keyring.gpg 
sudo apt update && sudo apt install box64 -y

If you don’t want to add this apt repository to your system, you can download and install the latest arm64 deb from here.

CN mirror installation (click to expand)

Only for users in CN areas where GitHub is blocked. Disclaimer: I do not run this, use at your own risk

sudo wget https://cdn05042023.gitlink.org.cn/shenmo7192/box64-debs/raw/branch/master/box64-CN.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/box64.list
wget -qO- https://cdn05042023.gitlink.org.cn/shenmo7192/box64-debs/raw/branch/master/KEY.gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/box64-debs-archive-keyring.gpg 
sudo apt update

Alternatively, download the latest arm64 deb from here.

Package List

Package Name Notes Install Command
box64 Box64 built for generic ARM 64-bit systems. Older builds for this target were under box64-generic-arm or box64-arm64.
box64-rpi4arm64 Box64 built for RPI4ARM64 target.
box64-rpi3arm64 Box64 built for RPI3ARM64 target.
box64-tegrax1 Box64 built for Tegra X1 systems.
box64-rk3399 Box64 built for rk3399 cpu target.
box64-android Box64 built with the -DBAD_SIGNAL=ON flag
box64-rk3588 Box64 built for rk3588 cpu target.
box64-rpi5arm64 Built for Raspberry Pi 5 (4K page size)
box64-rpi5arm64ps16k Built for Raspberry Pi 5 (16K page size)
box64-lx2160a Built for SolidRun LX2160A Honeycomb (see #24)
box64-m1 Built for Asahi Linux (M1 macs)
box64-sd888 Built for Snapdragon 888-based devices
box64-sdoryon1 Built for Snapdragon Oryon 1 (X1E80100/X1E78100) based devices

Want me to build for more platforms? Open an issue.

All builds contain box32 and box32-binfmt flags

Note for box86

Please note that this repository is only for box64. If you would like deb packages for box86, check out box86-debs.


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